The Far Side cartoon

The Far Side®

The Daily Dose

Selections of classic The Far Side comics, updated daily

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Still no money, huh?.. Well, let's see if Rudy and his wiffle bat can help encourage you.
Ineffective tools of persuasion
And so the doctor says to me, “Do you know you’ve got an elephant growing out of your neck?”
When things got slow in the midday heat, Arnie would often break out his trunk puppet.
“Oh, this is so exciting! ... You know, no one’s played that thing for years!”
The portrait of Dorian Cow
Here it is again, William! Front page!.. "Lewis and Clark Expedition Declared a Success!".. See what I mean? His name is always first!... I tell you, son, if you don't do somethin' about this now, you'll be playin' second fiddle in the hist'ry books!
Clark’s mother

Comic Collections

History Shmistory History Shmistory

The Far Side delves into historic events, places, and famous dead people.

Be Afraid! Be Slightly Afraid! Be Afraid! Be Slightly Afraid!

Aliens, strange creatures, and things that go bump in the night. Actually, during the day, too.